Shore Pine Bonsai

In Shore Pine Bonsai, Scovill’s thirty-eight poems capture quickly, often through the imagery of nature, discerning insights into intimacy, grief, self-realization and finding joy.

Sample poem


Heading out past the breakers
Switching back, then pushing on again
With blunted, sturdy fins,
She keens her urgent call.
Her long-caged body
Stretches into freedom
And she blinks her searching eyes
Against the endless sun.



The early years: 1959-1979

A Path at Night (12/1959)
The Moth and the Lantern (7/1964)
Elfin Spirits (8/1964)
Brave Voyage (7/77)


Midlife: 1980-1991

Golden Fingers (10/1989)
Big & Little Albert and the Seals (1/1990)
The Leader (1/1990)
The Follower (1/1990)
The Invitation (3/1990)
Under the Bushel (3/1990)
God’s Gifts Revealed (5/1990)
Spring in the Soos (5/1990)
In the Crease of Their Rings (7/1990)
Full Circle (7/1990)
Trusting in Spirit (9/1990)
To Share God’s Joy (11/90)
Remember This Dance (12/1990)
Alike in Wonder (12/1990)
Wetland Winter (3/1991)
Petals of a Late Spring (5/1991)
Riding for Shelter (6/1991)
Trust or Control (7/1991)
The Wild Grape and the Oak (7/1991)
Grace at Unity Village (7/1991)
Cicadan Healing (8/1991)
Victims on All Sides (8/1991)
Focus on the Moon (8/1991)
Celestial Magnetism (8/1991)


Later years: 1992-2018

Intrusion (4/1992)
Shore Pine Bonsai (5/1995)
Wild Purple Joy (8/1999)
Fake Fir (12/2004)
The Poplar and the Banyan Tree (12/2005)
Released (4/2009)
Catch and Release (9/2011)
The Alder Chorus (11/2015)
A Plane Apart (12/2018)

Shore Pine Bonsai
Shore Pine Bonsai